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English Composition I

Language: English

Description: English Composition I offers students the opportunity to gain the rhetorical foundations that prepare them for the demands of academic and professional writing. In this course, students will learn and practice the strategies and processes essential to successful writing. Successful writing encompasses comprehension, instruction, persuasion, entertainment, problem-resolution, evaluation, investigation, explanation and refutation – all various ends at which writing is aimed. This course will ensure students are properly prepared for academic communication and also understand how to use writing for both professional and personal purposes. Class presentation and reading materials will address the function of writing and the composing processes in a variety of contexts, focusing on the reader/audience and altering style and diction depending on the audience. Students will learn to critically and constructively evaluate their own work as well as others and also learn to properly apply constructive criticism to improve the overall quality of their own work.

This course, offered by our accredited school partners, develops written communication skills with an emphasis on understanding the writing process, analyzing readings, and practicing writing for personal and professional applications. Students will have the opportunity to really break down the writing process and see how it is useful in constructing and finally writing their own work. Students will discover various styles and sentence structures that can alter the meaning and impact of their writing and ensure they have the tools necessary to convey the meaning they intend, communicate their thoughts effectively and clearly and ensure their writing is presented professionally in terms of grammar, spelling and other issues that can otherwise inhibit successful writing. Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!

Instructor Description: This class supported by an Educational Mentor. Educational mentors have worked or are working in the subject they mentor. Educational Mentors review student work, student progress, and interact with students as needed. They respond to any questions or concerns you might have, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed.

This course does not require any additional purchases of supplementary materials.

Course ID/# : 1357/2810273
Tuition: $695.00

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