Jeremy Lee Credentialing Specialist 276-964-7668
Jeremy can assist in providing liaison services with accrediting organizations and reporting of credentials and information required by the Virginia Community College System.
Angela Miller Workforce Support Assistant 276-964-7244
Angie can help with the application, payment and registration for non-credit classes, obtaining the Career Readiness Certificate and general class information.
John Mullins Director of Workforce Programsn 276- 964-7344
John oversees the planning, scheduling, and delivery of all workforce and continuing education training courses, workshops, and other training.
Tim Salyers Fast Track Program Adivisor 276-964-7355
Tim advises students interested or enrolled in any fast track and credentialed training leading to in-demand jobs and careers, including assistance with registration, financial aid, and overall success coaching for students enrolled in workforce training.
Jessica Dotson Career Service Coordinator 276-964-7262
Jessica can assist with job and career services/assistance, including but not limited to exploration of career options, job seeking assistance such as resume development, connection to employment partners and services, and determination of available jobs in the college's service region.
Randall Rose Dean of Workforce & Continuing Education 276-964-7693
Randall oversees the workforce, continuing education, and career services units of the college and can be contacted with any suggestions, concerns or overall questions regarding those units.