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ACE Prep Course

Language: English

Description: This course, offered by our accredited school partners, is designed to give students the knowledge and understanding necessary to prepare for the ACE Personal Trainer Certification Exam and become effective personal trainers. This course presents the ACE Integrated Fitness Training™ (ACE IFT™) Model as a comprehensive system for designing individualized programs based on each client’s unique health, fitness, and goals. The information covered by this course and the ACE IFT Model will help students learn how to facilitate rapport, adherence, self-efficacy and behavior change in clients, as well as design programs that help clients to improve posture, movement, flexibility, balance, core function, cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscular endurance and strength. Practice certification test questions will be presented within the course, and students who successfully complete it typically fair the same on the actual exam that is to be set up through ACE directly, after you complete the course. Graduating students are provided with a discount opportunity when registering through ACE for the final certification exam.
Key topic areas covered include:
•Human Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Applied Kinesiology, and Nutrition
•Principles of Adherence, Motivation, Behavior Change, and Health Psychology
•Communication and Teaching Techniques
•The ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model
•Building Rapport
•Health and Exercise History Information Assessment
•Functional Training: Assessments, Programming, and Progressions for Posture, Movement, Core, Balance, and Flexibility
•Physiological Assessments
•Resistance Training: Programming and Progressions
•Cardiorespiratory Training: Programming and Progressions
•Professional and Legal Responsibilities, Scope of Practice, and Business Strategies for Personal Trainers
•Special Exercise Programming Topics: Mind-body Exercise, Special Populations, and Exercise Implications of Common Musculoskeletal Injuries

Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!

Instructor Description: This class supported by an Educational Mentor. Educational mentors have worked or are working in the subject they mentor. Educational Mentors review student work, student progress, and interact with students as needed. They respond to any questions or concerns you might have, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed.

Certification: The program prepares students for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer Certification. ACE provides graduating certificate students a Preferred Discount on the ACE Personal Training Certification Exam and study materials.

This course does not require any additional purchases of supplementary materials.

Course ID/# : 2332/4100048
Tuition: $995.00

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